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12 Digital Marketing Ideas to Consider During the Coronavirus

Article Icons Buildout Be Socially Significant

Be Socially Significant in times like this!

Let’s be logical. People are “tuned in” for information at this time. Let’s be sensitive to the situation and stand out. Your efforts on social media will be noticed and remembered. We are suggesting to use social media to inform your clients, prospects and staff about changes in operations during the crisis as well as give you a platform to share your good deeds. Many of our clients are helping the eldery or donating food, let the community know how socially conscious you are.  

Article Icons Buildout It's Not Business As Usual

It’s Not Business as Usual!

With the Coronavirus upon us, it is not business as usual. More than ever people are relying on accurate data from their searches, either by phone or voice search. Businesses must keep their information up to date. Use this time to tweak your hours and service options or any other type of information important to your customers at this time.  Remember, at OMG, we distribute these changes across 400 local search, directory, and voice-driven sources to ensure that we reach anyone and everyone that may be looking for your business. Let OMG get the right info out about your business, in the cloud and in front of your customers! 

Don’t Cut, Create Opportunity during uncertain times!

Article Icons Buildout Don't Cut, Create Opportunity

During times of crisis, peoples first instinct is to cut. However, it’s a great time to continue or begin your paid digital marketing as other advertisers may go offline at this time which changes the ad market mark-up for your location and industry. This will in effect reduce the cost-per-click and give you more share of the overall search pie for less money!. Marketing during uncertain times can be a defining moment for a business to leave open the one thing that helps during a time like this – new revenue.  Our Search Marketing Department has the formula for your business to thrive at a time like this.

Article Icons Buildout Gmb Enbrace And Enhance

GMB- Embrace and Enhance!

Google My Business is the most important piece of digital real estate you own! Google is the primary source for information about local business. Local data accuracy, including store/business hours, becomes critical at a time like this and google has responded. Temporary Hours/Closures, Delivery Information as well as other Google features have been recently added to address the situation. In addition, Google has suspended REVIEWS and the new Q & A platform for it Google Local properties. Our suggestion, swim with the tide and follow and react to the changes that Google and others are making. When your business works within the rules and guidelines of Google, it gets rewarded. 

Article Icons Buildout This Won't Last Forever, Your Next Move This won’t last forever, your next move?

The work you do to your digital presence is never an overnight success. With the future uncertain, it’s our strong suggestion that you identify your competitors, the market opportunity  and set your sights on locking in your spot at the top of the search. With many of our clients pondering the future, how about we create it. Take time to call your Digital Marketing Specialist and strategize a “POST-CORONA” marketing Calendar as well as start your organic efforts so they are ripe and reaping rewards after this crisis. 

Article Icons Buildout Specials That Ring The Register

Specials that Ring the Register!

During this uncertain time period, you have the opportunity to show support for your customer base by offering special discounts that will keep your revenue flowing. Identify your product-market fit and create a special offer. Many people are at home browsing, looking for discounts to save money during a time of unrest. It’s a great way to engage with your customers and keep a steady stream of revenue that will keep your doors open. You can push out your special offers through pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and social media.

Article Icons Buildout Near Me

Near Me more relevant than ever!

We’ve all reduced our travel and are staying close to home. In the rare times when we do leave our house, we’re looking for nearby destinations for services and supplies. So you want to make sure your business is using local SEO strategies to optimize your website for “near me” searches. You want customers in your geo region to be able to easily find you online so they turn to you first. At a time when we’re all looking for more convenience, this gives your business a chance to provide assistance during a critical time for families. Test and Tweak and let Google help make you the logical choice!

Article Icons Buildout Keep Your Data Accurate

Keep your Data Accurate!

Since people are forced to be quarantined at the moment, there will be more eyeballs than ever before online so people will be consuming more digital marketing on all fronts. “People will be looking to social media especially for updates on closures, new procedures for businesses and news. They will also be looking to see how brands and businesses are reacting to the current business environment. Now is probably the most important time to be visible digitally. Turning off your marketing during uncertain times is like pulling the plug on the lighthouse! 

Article Icons Buildout Don't Fall Victim To The Panic Move

Don’t Fall Victim to the Panic Move

History has a great way of teaching us lessons. During tough economic times, it might seem logical to make cuts to your advertising budget, but in reality, that’s not a sound idea, as it actually hurts your business. By staying the course, you keep your brand and business in the forefront of your customer’s mind. An effective advertising strategy should actually help you increase sales.

Article Icons Buildout Do The Math

Do the Math!

You always want to use metrics and analyze all of the data you have available before making a decision. Knee-jerk reactions usually don’t end well in digital marketing. Take caution when quickly reacting to a sudden shift in the economy or market. OMG will help you identify the reality and potential impact of shifting your on line budget.  The economy isn’t stopping. Homeowners still need home service providers. People still need goods and services. Money is still changing hands and consumers are still relying on Google to find people to do business with.

Article Icons Buildout Take Your Digital Goals Off The Back Burner

Take your Digital Goals off the back burner!

Now that you’re not commuting to the office or taking in-person meetings, your schedule has likely freed up some time for you. Those marketing items that may have fallen through the cracks and been overlooked can now be addressed. OMG is operating as normal with over 80 of our full time employees ready to help you tidy up that list and even get into some new projects like a website makeover, social media makeover, email campaigns, video project or an old to do item that will really move the needle, a review stimulation program that will kick off when Google returns the review platform!

Take advantage of A Free “Marketing Maven” Chat!

OMG National has been through many economic cycles and this virus will prove to be the most challenging. As a service to our valued clients and serious prospects, our Two Founders, Mike Rappaport and Jesse Lubar will be offering FREE Marketing Strategy sessions. Let’s talk about your goals, competitors and realistic market opportunities.  Take us up on the offer and allow two entrepreneurs with 4 INC 5000 awards under their belt, give you a second opinion, unique perspective and tactical strategy for success! 
