You don’t want to have all your eggs in one basket, it’s time to start diversifying your lead sources – where are you currently generating calls from?
If your answer didn’t include Facebook, keep reading…towing companies nationwide are using Facebook as another platform to generate leads and on demand calls. Facebook for Towing companies can not only help with features such as “schedule now” or “call now” buttons that can be added to content but, Facebook is one of the main “signals” to Google – meaning, if your towing company’s Facebook page is built out and managed correctly, it can provide your business with a significant SEO boost therefore increasing your organic rank in local search = more cash calls!

As a Facebook Marketing Partner with over 1,400 towing clients nationwide, OMG Tow Marketing has fine tuned different Facebook programs specifically for the towing industry that have been proven to not only generate cash calls directly from Facebook but also increase their client’s rank on Google.
The power of Facebook for tow companies is stronger than ever and OMG Tow Marketing is ready to put that power to work for your business – locating your target customers, building meaningful engagement online, and GENERATING REAL RESULTS!

Facebook + OMG Tow Marketing has the ability to put your towing company in front of the right people at the right time, increasing traffic, rank, and brand awareness.
Is your towing business harnessing the significant power of Facebook?