The new Google Business Profile (GBP) has launched and it’s changing the advertising landscape for towing companies. In addition to the name change came many other updates including the removal of the GMB app which enabled business owners to manage some GMB functionality from their smartphone. The Product Team at OMG Tow Marketing has taken a deep dive into what these changes mean for towing companies across the country and have been in tune with updates and changes as a Trusted Google Partner.
It’s been reported that the Google Business Profile’s management interface will undergo even more updates later in 2022 and though we can’t say how extensive those changes will be, if losing the app is any indication, then despite Google’s attempt to make it easier for a user to manage how the world sees their business, like everything else these days, it is likely to become more complicated.

The features of GBP make it arguably the most important of all online marketing elements for towing companies to be found online.

OMG Tow Marketing is a Premier Google Partner and we stay on top of all the latest changes and updates, enabling our clients to do what they do best and leave the tow marketing to us.
Though it is important for all small businesses to keep up with change… the constant updates, finicky reverification triggers and newest features, are a lot to stay on top of, especially when you’re trying to run a towing business. For more information on how we manage all things Google Local for our clients, reach out to us today!