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Harness The Power of Google for YOUR Towing Business

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There are days when anyone who is of a certain age, and who is in business, will harken back to the “good ole days”. Those far-flung memories of a time when things were simpler, cost less, and where the one-two punch of providing great service and working hard, were enough to ensure your success.

Well, time stops for no man, and whether we accept it or not, the future has arrived. Today, there’s more competition, more red tape, higher costs across the board, and sadly, success cannot be assured by simply doing the right thing by your customers.

No, today you need to know more, to be able to use technology, to understand the forces that are at play in your market. It’s gotten tougher.

There are many ways that you can future-proof your towing company from the constant change. Understanding the many ways that Google can figure into that equation, is a highly recommended starting point.

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Over the past 20-years, Google has all but replaced many advertising tools and some that were simply informational. Take the Yellow Pages, the white pages, 411 (calling information), Maps, the library, encyclopedias, billboards and so much more… they are all in your phone now, on Google.

With shifts so pervasive, in so many areas of our lives, towers that wants to be successful in 2023, can’t ignore Google and their advertising options forever. We’ve converted many a skeptic over the years, some of whom swore they’d “never give Google a penny!” are amongst our biggest success stories.

So how do you harness this power for your business, attract your customers, in your service area, against your competition? You do it with help from experts.

Using a tow marketing expert is smart. It frees you up to do what you do best, relying on those who are constantly studying the latest techniques, understanding the myriad of ad types and who are using data to drive performance. 

At OMG Tow Marketing, we interpret hundreds of data points to make sure that our next campaign performs better than the last one.

Take CHT, they provide heavy duty towing services in and around Northern California. Over the last 30-days, we have continued to help them dominate their market, generating 332 new towing calls, an increase of 11% over the previous month. Using a combination of search ads and targeted call-only ads, we have helped CHT continue to reign supreme across hundreds of miles of highway. Ongoing ad optimization keeps their cost per call down, optimizing the campaign around their precious budget. Over three years’ time, we have assisted CHT in growing and expanding their service area and doing so profitably.

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Or, let’s look at CJCC, a tow company specializing in buying and selling junk cars. These campaigns are among the most competitive, with towing companies, non-profits, and salvage providers all vying for top placement on Google. In the past 30-days, we’ve created 160 new leads, a campaign record. The success has been driven by using specialized targeting and a variety of creative ads. Over two year’s time, our partnership with CJCC has flourished, helping to establish them as the clear market leader and generating close to 5,000 calls for their campaign.

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Though we are protecting our client’s privacy in the previous examples, we have tons of active client case studies available for you to review, just ask! 

With the dog days of summer in full effect, there is no better time to take control and future proof your business. An expertly deployed Google Ads campaign will help you drive cash calls, placing your business where motorists in your area are searching.

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