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No Guessing, We’ve Done The Testing – NEW Predictable Results for Towing Ads


 Would you invest in additional towing equipment if you didn’t know it would generate a return for your towing business? Most likely not… Well, we don’t expect you to invest in advertising without knowing it will generate a return with cash calls either!

OMG Tow Marketing is proud to announce that we’ve cracked the code through our years of research and data and can now predict how many clicks, phone calls, and converting phone calls a towing company will receive based on their budget, service types advertised, and the size of their towing company’s market. 

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OMG Tow Marketing has conducted in depth research investigating years of Google Ad Data and hundreds of active Google campaigns for towing companies, positioning us to offer our clients predicted results – for example, if our client invests X amount of dollars, we can predict X amount of calls.  

Working directly with Google and implementing and managing hundreds of campaigns, our analysts have defined the paid search strategy and thoroughly understand the towing industry as it applies to Google Ads for towing companies – we have distilled towing services to overarching service types and market sizes giving us the ability to confidently forecast a return on your marketing investment – we are proud to offer big business tools, at a small business price! 

Cta Tow
