Put Facebook to Work for a Complete Advertising Solution!

Every towing company can leverage Facebook to grow its brand and get more cash calls. Whether it is hiring, promoting a new service, or just showing off your fleet, social media presents a great opportunity to get your brand in front of more people. Here at OMG Tow Marketing, we have programs that strategically use Facebook to get more customers to help your towing business.

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Audience Building

There is no reason to post if nobody is going to see what is on your page. That is why OMG Tow Marketing takes a portion of what you pay us and reinvests it back into your business. We pay Facebook directly in order to boost your page and posts to a larger audience. More eyes on your company mean more signals to Google, which means MORE cash calls.

Strategic Posting

Sure, it’s nice to post pictures of the fleet to show off the trucks you worked so hard for. We not only will make aesthetically pleasing posts, but we also make them strategically to directly make a positive impact on your business. Have an upcoming impound auction? We will promote it to people in the local area, driving more traffic and bids to your auction. Looking for drivers? We will help create an application and boost it to qualified candidates around your location. Facebook is where the people are, and we will use it to your advantage.

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72 Fb Review Management

Review Management

We know that Facebook is where many people take out their frustrations on local businesses, so we are diligently watching every Facebook review that comes through. Every towing company has received a bad review from a police call or private impound, and the team at OMG Tow Marketing is equipped with the best way to answer these negative responses.

1800+ Active towing clients

30 Years of Industry Experience

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